Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Gilmore Guru's

One of my closest friends is an incredible golfer. Spencer plays 3 to 4 days a week and I've seen him shoot as little as 3 and 4 under par. He even won a state tournament recently that is airing on ESPN pretty soon. One day about 8 years ago he and I took a trip up to Central Oregon to play at a new course that had recently opened. As we were warming up on the driving range, he gave me some advice on golf that I have found to be applicable to many other things in life as well.

When most people first start playing golf, they want to be like Happy Gilmore and knock the crap out of that ball. They grab their driver and hit that thing as hard as they can. They will spend 50% + of their practice time using their driver just to see how far the ball can go. Spencer told me that if I wanted to get good at golf, then I needed to start at the pin and work my way back. He said that I should start putting and practice that until I've become consistent. Then practice chipping and pitching until I'm consistent with that. Then I should get good from about 100 to 125 yards out and once I'm consistent from there, I should keep moving back and work on my driver last.

That's what most of us do when we want to start a business. We "Happy Gilmore" it. We get all excited about the prospect of building a huge income online but as we swing that proverbial club with all our might, we find that a lot of times, we end up missing the ball. Well, it's time to put down that driver so we can do a little putting.

The first thing that you want to focus on is leadership. And its starts by leading yourself. Most people think that leadership comes after the result, but the reality is that without first becoming a leader, success can never be attained. Atleast not intentionally. Some people might get lucky, but I haven't met any. And this shift in thinking can be a little uncomfortable at first, especially if you are just starting your business and haven't yet achieved a notable amount of success. If we are just starting out, then who are we to lead anyone? Let me try to clarify what leadership is and where it starts. Your first responsibility as a leader is to lead yourself to the right information, to learn the mindsets and implement the techniques. The other part of leadership is to lead others to valuable information that relates to you and your business. See, leadership isn't that difficult. And finally, as you build your brand and reach little milestones along the way, you can lead others directly to those little milestones as well. It's perpetual motion leadership that always starts with you. And the milestones just keep getting bigger!

Yours in Success,

Brian Kiplinger

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